Café Physique

If you struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle or just don’t know where to start, Café Physique is a spot you can visit daily to get info on food & fitness from someone who lives by the More or Less Philosophy – Just do a little more of the good things & a bit less of the not-so-good things, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your healthy living goals. So, make yourself at home in this virtual café where you really can "have your cake and eat it too"...more or less.

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I'm a 32 year old fitness professional with a passion for healthy living, a certified pilates instructor & personal trainer, and a member of IDEA Health & Fitness Association. I am also the owner of Cafe Physique, an Atlanta-based fitness and nutrition company specializing in studio and in-home personal training, Pilates, yoga and personalized nutrition counseling ( If this is your 1st time "dining" at Café Physique, please dig right in! Leave comments, ask questions and enjoy this Healthy Living experience.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Strike a Yoga Pose


Do more yoga. While this ancient practice is best known for its stress-relieving and flexibility benefits, some studies have found that yoga can also help reduce chronic pain.

Main Course
It's hard to think about exercise when just making it through the day causes you to wince, but yoga may help reduce that physical pain while keeping you mentally centered.

Several years ago, researchers at UCLA Medical Center conducted a study, and they found that just four weeks of regular yoga sessions significantly reduced the frequency and severity of chronic pain.

The study participants attended 90-minute Iyengar yoga sessions, three times per week for one month. Iyengar yoga combines various yoga poses with meditative breathing exercises.

My Type-A personality makes it difficult for me to Yoga is an active way to quiet my mind while gently pushing my body to reach new heights. I don't know that I'll ever crave it the way I do a sweaty spin class or a hard-core lower body workout, but it's nice to know that there are even more benefits to yoga than what meets the eye.

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