Value Meals Are Not Very Valuable
When your schedule requires you to swing through the nearest drive-thru, only order exactly what you need to curb your hunger and not a single item more - even if the "value" meal looks like a better deal. Inevitably, you end up taking in more calories when you go for the advertised deal.Main Course
Value meals may be valuable in terms of keeping cash in your pocket (though one could argue that it's just a ploy to get you to spend more), but they have no value for your waistline. Once you add fries and a sugary soda to an 800 calorie sandwich, you've quickly taken in an entire day's worth of calories in a single meal.
If you want more info on just how bad these value meals are, go to the website of your favorite fast-food joint, and look up the nutrition info (calories, fat, fiber, carbs and protein) that most major chains provide. I bet that you'll be astonished!
I wish that none of us ever had to eat at these places, and I also wish that we could always get a salad (impossible to eat in the car) or fruit cup (way over-priced & not enough for an adult meal), but let's be real...that ain't gonna happen.
But all is not lost.
Just have a little bit less at the drive-thru. In fact, limit yourself to only one item off the menu. I realize by saying this that some of you will now feel that you have license to order the Double Whopper w/Cheese as long as that's all you're having, but we both know that's not going to cut it. Order a child-size sandwich, a basic burger or a regular chicken sandwich - but skip the fries and drink water.
Doesn't sound too glamorous? Well, there's nothing glamorous about going up a pants size either. Trust me, I know :(
Labels: diet, fast food, nutrition, weight loss
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