Café Physique

If you struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle or just don’t know where to start, Café Physique is a spot you can visit daily to get info on food & fitness from someone who lives by the More or Less Philosophy – Just do a little more of the good things & a bit less of the not-so-good things, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your healthy living goals. So, make yourself at home in this virtual café where you really can "have your cake and eat it too"...more or less.

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I'm a 32 year old fitness professional with a passion for healthy living, a certified pilates instructor & personal trainer, and a member of IDEA Health & Fitness Association. I am also the owner of Cafe Physique, an Atlanta-based fitness and nutrition company specializing in studio and in-home personal training, Pilates, yoga and personalized nutrition counseling ( If this is your 1st time "dining" at Café Physique, please dig right in! Leave comments, ask questions and enjoy this Healthy Living experience.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Breakfast Counts

Eat breakfast more often. Besides providing energy to carry you through the rest of your day, eating breakfast daily can actually help you consume less calories overall.

Main Course
Eating breakfast is an integral part to any healthy eating plan, but don't just take it from me. According to the National Weight Control Registry, 80% of people who have successfully maintained a weight loss of at least 35 pounds eat breakfast every day.

While I know that many people struggle to find the time to eat breakfast or simply don't have an appetite in the morning, I must admit that I've never had those problems. Breakfast foods are among my favorite meal time choices, and I am almost always ready to eat shortly after waking up and getting dressed in the morning.

I have noticed that my morning appetite is connected to my workout habits. If I'm not working out (sick, snowed in, on vacation on a remote island :), I find that I'm not hungry at all in the AM, and I have to make myself eat. However, when I'm working out on my normal schedule, food is my first thought after handling Mother Nature in the mornings. Not sure if there's any science to support this theory, but at least for me...working out and eating breakfast go hand in hand.

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