Café Physique

If you struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle or just don’t know where to start, Café Physique is a spot you can visit daily to get info on food & fitness from someone who lives by the More or Less Philosophy – Just do a little more of the good things & a bit less of the not-so-good things, and you’ll be on your way to achieving your healthy living goals. So, make yourself at home in this virtual café where you really can "have your cake and eat it too"...more or less.

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I'm a 32 year old fitness professional with a passion for healthy living, a certified pilates instructor & personal trainer, and a member of IDEA Health & Fitness Association. I am also the owner of Cafe Physique, an Atlanta-based fitness and nutrition company specializing in studio and in-home personal training, Pilates, yoga and personalized nutrition counseling ( If this is your 1st time "dining" at Café Physique, please dig right in! Leave comments, ask questions and enjoy this Healthy Living experience.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Beware of "Healthy" Restaurants


Think of food less in terms of "good food" vs. "bad food," and more in terms of the actual number of calories you are consuming.

Main Course
A recent study shows that we tend to overestimate just how healthy certain foods and restaurants are. In fact, when a main dish is marketed as "healthy," people end up consuming beverages, side dishes and desserts that have up to 130% more calories.

What gives?

Well, when we eat at places that advertise low-calorie food (like Subway) we think that we can eat there and then splurge a little on dessert or a sugary drink when in fact, some of the food at that restaurant may not be so low-cal at all. Example: You would be better off eating a Big Mac than some of the sandwiches at Subway - a restaurant known for its low-calorie fare.

Honestly, some of this can be so confusing. The only way to successfully weave your way through the maze of misleading advertising claims and sneaky menu language is to be vigilant about really analyzing what you eat before you order.

Don't rely on what you heard, or even what you think you know. Unless the restaurant offers true nutritional info (including # of calories per serving), take it upon yourself to make sure that you're not sabotaging all of your hard work with super-fattening "health" food.

BTW - I'm certainly not bad-mouthing Subway. I eat there quite often and I praise them for at least offering good-tasting healthy options. The thing is that just because they don't serve french fries, that doesn't make the whole menu healthy. Sometimes we forget so choose wisely!

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